As the publication dates for Gilded Latten Bones and Surrender to the Will of the Night get closer and closer, I noticed something more on Amazon. Audible.com, owned by Amazon, has the entire Black Company series available as audio books for download! The series is split into its original ten volumes, and each sells for $24.95 on Audible, or $18.71 on Amazon. The individual books each take roughly ten to twenty hours to narrate, so that should keep listeners entertained through plenty of commutes and road trips. I haven't listened to any of them yet, but I'm sure I will before long.
The image this time is from another Glen Cook reprint, Nightshade's upcoming omnibus of the Darkwar series. It has all three volumes, Doomstalker, Warlock, and Ceremony. Doomstalker was actually the first Glen Cook book that I can recall seeing in a store, when it was new roughly 25 years ago. I own all three, but have yet to read them. I think a shiny new package can sometimes make a book more enjoyable than reading the same tale via a beat-up old massmarket paperback. Of course, the opposite can also be true, but I still plan to get the Darkwar omnibus to sit on my shelf next to my other Cook collections. It is scheduled for release in December.
Finally, Tor have made available an excerpt from Surrender to the Will of the Night. It's from the first chapter, and no, it doesn't make any sense to me either. Since Lord of the Silent Kingdom resolved most ongoing issues in the series, it makes sense to have new ones introduced. I presume this mysterious excerpt is connected to some new plot development. We'll know more in a matter of weeks, meanwhile, anyone who has listened to the Black Company audiobooks, please feel free to comment.
Looking forward to the new Instrumentalities book, its been far too long! From the excerpt, it seems our protagonist has been arming the borderlands with his special anti-god weapon. :)
I'm going to break down and buy the hardcover, even though I have the other two in massmarket editions. For one thing, I need to know how the story progresses. But also, Tor has, in recent years, started NOT producing paperbacks (trade or massmarket) of books that sell poorly in hardcover.
This has happened to Daniel Abraham, where the 4th volume of his Long Price Quartet will not see massmarket release. So those who own the first three in that format won't have the final part to complete their set.
Worse happened to Melanie Rawn. Tor decided to cancel one of her trilogies before the third volume was written, asking her to instead begin a new series.
I'm not a reader of either Abraham or Rawn, but I don't want something similar to happen to Glen Cook! The hardcover of Surrender to the Will of the Night may be the only edition ever published, and if it doesn't sell well enough, Working the Gods' Mischief might never see print!
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