Jaws died this morning at not quite 17 years of age. She was born on or about July 1, 1992 on a farm in Utah as the runt of her litter. The owners of the farm took her into their home, but soon realized they couldn't keep her. She was too friendly, and her attempts to cuddle disturbed their newborn child. Therefore they sought a good home for this affectionate kitten, and asked their old friend Mark the Shark if he wanted her. He was one of my roommates at the time, and knew that another roommate, Erik, and I planned on getting a kitten once Erik returned to Fort Collins from spending the summer in New York. Erik was due back in late August. Mark decided to surprise us with the cat.
One day in the middle of August, Mark the Shark drove up to Vail to meet his old friend for lunch. She drove over from Utah with the kitten, and Mark brought her home with him in a wine glass! She was that tiny! I worked the day shift delivering pizza that day, and in the evening I met up with Mark. He showed me the bottles of beer he had gotten for me at the Hubcap Brewpub, and then...surprise!
Here was this perfect little cat! She was tiny, but could eat solid food and use a litter box. She would zip up and down the stairs, and was always on the lookout for a lap upon which to nap. Everyone loved her, and thought she was the best cat ever. We held off naming her until Erik was back a week or so later, and then remained stumped. When we played with her, she would start to chew on our hands like a little Tasmanian Devil, or a shark from a cartoon, so our roommate Matt suggested we call her Jaws. The irony of naming such a sweet little thing "Jaws," along with its uniqueness, convinced us to go with that name.
I've had her ever since, until today. She seemed to get sick a few days ago, she stopped eating, drank a lot of water, and had difficulty relieving herself. At first I thought it was something like a cold that she'd get over, but she got weaker and weaker. Yesterday, I looked up veterinarians, and found one just a quarter mile or so from my home. I left a message for them, and this morning finalized an appointment for Jaws for 11am. Jaws and I then sat together for half an hour or so while I used my computer. I knew it couldn't be good that her usual loud purr was more like a murmur, but at least she was purring and happy. At 10:50 I carried her down to car, and drove to the vet office. I brought her in, filled out a form, and quickly was able to bring Jaws into an examination room.
I set her on the table, and the vet came in. He started examining her, and they took her temperature. He was worried about her breathing, which sounded very poor. The thermometer showed her temperature to be dangerously low, and just then, the vert told me he couldn't find her pulse. She still responded to his touch, for a moment, but then her eyes lost their recognition for the first time ever. she was staring into space, and I knew she had expired right then and there. She lived as long as she possibly could, and I'll eternally be relieved that I never had to make the call to euthanize her. I'm also grateful she didn't die alone, with me to find her later, but had my company up to the final milisecond.
A sign of affection from many cats is to wink at someone they love. Jaws had often winked at me over the years, and she did so again several times over the past few days. I'll always treasure that we parted on good terms. My other kittie, Ember, is almost 10. Ironically, one reason I got her is because I knew that Jaws, at age 7, wouldn't live forever. I hoped to soften the blow of her eventual demise, never imagining that she'd live for another decade. Jaws and Ember didn't get along, but Ember was very respectful towards Jaws these past few days, so they went out on good terms too. Jaws had a very long and happy life, and I'm devestated to lose my little buddy, but I can't be too sad about the overall situation. She had more than her share of years, love, shelter and food. She'll be cremated, and I'll eventually bring her ashes up to South Dakota to spread in the area where, years ago, I spread my parents' ashes in the Black Hills
I'll get Ember a new companion sooner or later. Ember came as a sort of surprise in her own way, so I'll sit back and wait, and see if fate surprises me a third time with a feline friend. Rest in peace, Jaws, you had such a good life that I doubt you've passed on to a better world. But I hope you are finding times just as good in Kittie Heaven. I love you, Baby Girl!
Thought for the day: If you are a cat fan, check out my Lol Cats (photos to which humorous captions are added) at http://mine.icanhascheezburger.com/pictures-by-BigWade57/
I'm so sorry that your cat died. It is nice that she lived a long life. I am a cat person. I have 2 cats, Smokey and Leia. It is sad to know that they will eventually die, because cats usually live shorter than people.
Thanks for the good words, Tim. I have to keep reminding myself that she lived a great life, and that I always made time for her. I'm sure you cherish every moment with your cats, and you won't regret it in the long run. Cheers!
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